Insurance for Bowling Alleys

Bowling saw a surge in popularity in the mid-1960s and, until recently, had been on a decline. But like many former trends, bowling is making a comeback in the United States. Many bowling alleys offer cosmic bowling, traditional bowling leagues, and other activities to attract individuals and families for a few hours of old-fashioned fun. Thanks to proprietors like you, bowling is now cool again.

There are still several thousand bowling centers in the United States. If you own one of those bowling alleys, you know firsthand how rewarding and stressful it can be. Your business is open to a number of risks that could threaten your livelihood. It’s important to find insurance that protects your bowling alley.

Let’s take a closer look at how to properly protect your bowling alley from unnecessary risk.

Don’t Leave Your Bowling Alley Open to Risk

The nature of the bowling alley business increases the likelihood of slip and fall incidents. Inexperienced bowlers or clowns trying to show off for their friends may find themselves on the floor after an unsuccessful bowling attempt. Heavy bowling balls may get dropped. These and many other reasons make having a general liability policy absolutely necessary for your bowling alley business.

Anyone who has operated a bowling alley for very long understands the many risks facing the industry:

  • Slip and fall accidents

  • Dropping bowling balls on feet, legs, or other body parts

  • Property damage caused by patrons

  • Equipment breakdown or failure

  • …and many others

Does your current policy cover all of these situations? When was the last time your agent called to review your risks and evaluate different coverage options?

Food and Liquor Coverage

If your bowling alley offers food and/or liquor for sale, you’ll need to have proper licensing and coverage. Serving food and/or liquor adds extra income, but it also opens your business to potential risks such as food spoilage and equipment failure. A single incident could wreck your financial year, which is why it’s necessary to purchase coverage that will protect you in the event of a disaster.

Protect Your Business

You’ll want to be sure you have workers’ compensation insurance to protect your workers and yourself if they become injured at work. Property insurance will protect your building and equipment. Fires, storm damage, vandalism, and other unexpected events could cause extreme damage, so it’s always a good idea to make sure that your property insurance is adequate.

Find Bowling Alley Insurance

The independent insurance agents at Kincaid Insurance make it their business to understand the bowling industry. They understand the challenges you face and can help you discover the bowling insurance coverage that best fits your business. We help alleys in Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, and beyond find affordable, comprehensive coverage. Call Kincaid Insurance today at 1-877-888-5506.


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