Farm Pollution Coverage in Indiana

Living in the Midwest makes you realize just how rural of an area it is.

Especially in fertile seasons when all you see for miles are fields of crops of the local farmers. While these crops are sold and used for the best-willed purpose, they are rarely assessed for pollution and even more rarely properly insured for a pollution issue.

Is your farm operation adequately covered to protect against pollution issues?

In this article, we’ll discuss why this is an increasingly important topic for farmers in Indiana, Kentucky, Southern Illinois, and the surrounding tri-state area.

A Growing Problem

According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, nitrate concentrations in groundwater increased significantly in 21% of the areas tested over a ten-year period. Intensively worked farmland, larger livestock, and evolving crop mixes were cited as some of the primary causes of the issue. This is alarming, as nitrates have been associated with birth defects, thyroid complications, cancer, and potentially fatal conditions in infants.

Farmers use fertilizer and manure that are higher in nitrates in order to lower the cost of produce at the store. It is this demand that can cause issues for farmers in our region. Surprisingly enough, most farms are not covered correctly for those issues.

Farming Policies & Risks

As a farmer, you certainly want to be prepared in times of crisis. Unfortunately, many farmers do not realize that when it pertains to pollution, most farm policies only cover a small portion of pollution limits. This can expose your farm to risks that you may not have known existed, yet they are risks nonetheless.

Adding Farm Pollution Coverage Endorsements

At Kincaid Insurance, we’ve worked with Indiana farmers and those in the surrounding tri-state for well over twenty years. If you’re concerned about pollution risks or just have a question, feel free to give us a call at any time.

In addition, we’ll be happy to discuss specific endorsements that can protect your farm against the risks of pollution-related issues. Kincaid Insurance offers farm pollution coverage endorsements that cover spills, sudden discharge, overturning, cargo, fertilizer, manure, and runoff.

Call us to discuss any or all of these endorsement options.

Helping Farmers for 20+ Years

In conclusion, farmers should feel confident that they are correctly insured in the event of a pollution-related issue. Kincaid Insurance is here to help you protect your farming operation. Let’s chat about your needs today.


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