What Info is Needed for a Commercial Insurance Quote?
Finding the right insurance coverage for your business (at the right price) can seem like a big job. First, you need to gain a general understanding of your needs and talk to one or more insurance agents. Quoting the insurance is the next step in the process, which can involve some homework for you or someone on your team.
At Kincaid Insurance Group, we regularly provide insurance quotes for businesses across a variety of industries—from commercial trucking fleets to startups to well-established manufacturing companies. Each quote is different depending on a variety of factors; however, there are a few things that we almost always need to start the quoting process.
We hope that this commercial insurance checklist helps you gather the right information for your quote. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us and start a conversation. Someone from our experienced staff will be happy to assist you.
About the Business Owner
Even if your business is incorporated as an S Corp, LLC, or another entity, we’ll still need some basic information about you (the business owner). Please note that we take your privacy seriously and use secure technology to keep your information safe.
First and Last Name
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Phone Number
Email Address
About Your Business
We also need to get to know your organization. Some of this information is easier to come by, so we’ve broken this section into two categories:
Easy stuff:
Federal ID Number
Business Description
Entity Type (LLC, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, S Corp, C Corp, etc)
Web Address
Year Business Started
Ownership Information (Name of Owner, Corp. Officers, Partners)
Number of Employees
Items that may require a little more digging:
Payroll Information by Job Description
Employee Breakdown by Job Description
List of Carriers for Last 3 Years
Copy of Current Policy
At Least 3 Years of Loss Runs
Additional Details
Setting clear expectations is key to serving your commercial insurance needs. With this in mind, please let us know about your:
Desired Policy Effective Date
Specialized Requirements
Get Your Quote for Business Insurance
Do you already have this information ready to share? If so, that’s great news!
Contact us to initiate the quoting process. After receiving your inquiry, we will follow up with you to discuss next steps and collect your information for the quote.